
ICLON, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching is the interfaculty center of Leiden University for teacher education and educational and professional development in secondary and higher education. Its research program, Teaching and Teacher Learning, is situated in the domain of Teaching and Teacher Education.


Teaching and Teacher Learning

Two main research lines connect all research activities:

  1. Teaching with an emphasis on teachers’ knowledge and skills to support learning processes, and
  2. Teacher learning with an emphasis on teachers’ professional development.

Research on teaching (1) aims at acquiring insights in the qualities of teachers in facilitating, supporting and stimulating the learning process of students and teachers in secondary and higher education. Research on teacher learning (2) aims at gaining insights in the learning process of teachers in secondary and higher education and student-teachers in teacher education.



Prof.dr. R.M. van der Rijst

Drs. B.H.J. Smit


Administrator/technical support
